




Contact Us



Hollingbury Wood


Next work session


Saturday – 3 August 2024

10:00 AM to 1:00 PM


We’ll meet just before 10am at the container where we store our tools. This is just inside the gate at the bottom of Roedale Allotments and the top of Golf Drive (which runs off the north end of Stanmer Villas). 


There will be a blackboard on the fence near the gate with details of the day’s work location, so we can be located if you arrive later. If you’re not sure how to find us on the day, phone 07745458567.


Refreshments and cups will be provided for tea break but do bring your own cup, if you prefer.


For further information about a specific event or work day, or to be added to our mailing list, please email



Future work session dates


July 2024 – no work session – Members away day

3 August 2024 – Saturday

8 September 2024 - Sunday







Who are we?

Friends of Hollingbury and Burstead Woods are a group of local people who look after two areas of woodland off Ditchling Road near Hollingbury Golf Course. The aim of the group is for people to be able to enjoy the area, for wildlife to thrive, and to increase biodiversity.

We meet once a month to carry out practical work in the woods, ranging from tree and hedge planting to path maintenance and litter clearance. This work is carried out under the guidance of a Brighton and Hove Park Ranger and our group’s Project Officer. 



Work sessions – On the first weekend of the month, alternating between a Saturday and a Sunday, we run work sessions from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM.  Gloves and tools are provided and no special skills are required - just enthusiasm!  For tasks such as tree thinning and planting a new hedge, training is given.  The work is not too arduous and everyone works at their own pace. We stop mid-morning for a break and a chat, with coffee, tea and biscuits provided. There is no obligation to stay for the whole morning or to attend every work day; it is entirely up to you how many hours you do or how often you come, but you will always be made very welcome. 

How we work – We have a yearly woodland management plan with goals to:


·          Maintain the woodland

·         Support wildlife

·         Balance the woodland tree population

·         Conserve and enhance the natural beauty of the woodland

·         Encourage public awareness and enjoyment of the woods

·         Enable responsible public access to the woods

·         Deter litter, dumping and dog fouling




Find us on social media


Find us on Facebook





Contact us



For further information about a specific event or work day, or to be added to our mailing list, please email











Page last updated: 27 June 2024

Friends of Hollingbury and Burstead Woods